Portrait picture a happy woman lying in bed, holding her sleeping baby.
  • Highest live birth rate from IVF.
  • World’s top fertility doctors.
  • Low cost that Costa Rica is famous for.
  • Home of the Costa Rica Fertility Center.

World-Class Fertility Treatments

Picture of a happy couple kissing their baby. They are kissing the cheeks of the baby, who is looking directly at the camera.
  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
  • Ovodonation
  • Fertility Preservation
  • ROPA Method
  • Gametes Bank
  • Artificial Insemination (IUI)
  • Testicular Biopsy.

Top Laboratories and Doctors

Picture of a happy mother playing with her baby. The woman is lying down, looking upward, smiling, and holding her baby above her.

Costa Rica Fertility Center is Home of the finest Board Certified Doctors, Lab Technicians and Fertility Specialists.

Ready for your live video conference?

Talk directly with your doctor in Costa Rica!

Picture of a happy couple having a video conference with their fertility doctor in Costa Rica.  The couple is smiling and looking into a laptop computer.

Get started RIGHT NOW with a free, confidential video conference directly with a Costa Rica fertility doctor. No cost! Expert consultation! We are here, ready for your questions!

We will schedule a Zoom, Facetime, Skype or WhatsApp video conference directly with a Costa Rica fertility doctor. All of your questions will be answered: